Things I know:
*It is 50 degrees outside and my kids are jumping on the trampoline in their swimsuits.
*They were playing with water out there too.
*They are loud.
*You can hear my dog barking from the street.
*I'm not a pretty sight to look at in my workout clothes.
*My chickens squawk very loudly when they lay an egg.
*My three oldest are walking by themselves to the grocery store as I type.
*My children look like orphans half of the time.
*I have great kids!
Things you should know:
*I believe in natural consequences. They'll come in when they're cold or injured.
*The warm bath they just took was the easiest one they've had in months.
*Well, duh, they're mine!
*She HATES the neighbors across the street; but they're weird and not friendly, so who can blame her?
*As long as I'm in my backyard, you can close your blinds, your eyes, or both!
*I'll share my eggs with you if you ask.
*They're trustworthy and a little independence is a good thing.
*They own matching clothes and have been taught the basics of personal grooming. They'll get it eventually.
*I have great kids!
That's such a cute post! I love your kids so much. They have so much personality, and that comes from you. You're such a cute mama. And I don't blame Annie for her barking...I don't love some of my neighbors either, and I'd bark at them too if I thought I could get away with it!
Um. . I'll take eggs. I also need to take a page out of your - letting the kids learn from natural consequences and not follow them around so much. Trying to switch the control/no control button is not easy for me.
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