I know you've been waiting anxiously to find out how our Spring Break ended. Well, it still pretty much sucked. We spent the majority of the week at home doing things we do everyday; like video games, surfing the internet, doing the dishes, feigning an interest in the laundry and eating. We went and saw Hop and spent Friday at The Treehouse Museum in Ogden (where I took pictures, but left my camera!) On Saturday, I took Allie shopping for her Easter Dress and we rounded out the weekend by celebrating my niece Leah's birthday. I know, we're so hip you can hardly stand it. Don't you wish your life was awesome like mine?
The most exciting thing that happened to us over Spring Break was the addition of a new member of our family. Through the miracle of Facebook and thanks to my friend Nikki, we now have a miniature dachshund in our house. Welcome to Emmett. He has picked Allie as his person and all of the kids are having a great time snuggling with their newest pup. Annie seems to like him; even Matt is coming around, despite the fact that I brought him home without talking to him and while he was out of town :) Here Will poses with his new pet.... they get along great!

And now, onto today. For those of you keeping track, we are on Day 11 on the "no fast food" challenge. I really think I can do this. It hasn't been too bad. I'm not sure that I've noticed any extra cash floating around, although that may be due to the Case Lot Sale at Dick's Market last week. I did, however, lose 2 pounds, which my kids think is awesome. Jack is clinging to the hope that one day I will be skinny like his friend Nate's mom..... who am I to crush his innocent dreams? Eventually he'll learn, I guess. My only hope is that he thinks I'm cool enough to still like me when he figures out the truth.
Monday started with a trip to the vet. Young Emmett needed to take himself out of the puppy-making pool, if you know what I mean. He also got his teeth cleaned... yay!
I did 30 minutes on my elliptical, and I survived. I need some help with good workout music... any suggestions?
I fed and held the baby a bunch.... it seemed like every time I turned around. I had a shower; surprisingly hard some days.
I survived Costco with the boys, got gas in the van, drove the carpool, picked up the dog from the vet, took the girls to Activity Days, cleaned up dog poop, collected eggs, took out the garbage and made homemade pizza for dinner.
We've recently started a new thing at our house.... I washed both of my girls hair in the kitchen sink before bed. Who doesn't like a little scalp massage. Besides, I can control how clean their hair gets. Surprisingly, they really like it. I'm all for anything they like.
The highlight of my day today was having some "girl talk" with my neighbor Lisa. I love to sit and talk to her and it's especially fun when we're watching our little boys play outside. Today, they were collecting bugs. It's fun to see how easily they're amused.
At the end of the day, today was good. It is a day that I can stop, reflect on and count my blessings. I am so grateful for good kids; the ones who love each other, play together, watch out for each other and make me smile. I'm grateful for a good husband, who works hard, yet always takes the time to do the little things, like fix Erin's bike before he leaves. I'm grateful for supportive family members who help me be a better parent and a better person. I am grateful for good friends who make me laugh and who love my children.
Mundane; sometimes. But I wouldn't trade my life for anything.
That's about how our week is going right now!
Will you wash my hair in the sink and give me a massage?
Love the post, Bekster! As for the washing the hair in the kitchen sink...growing up, I didn't know there was any other way :)That's still Dad's favorite part of getting his hair cut. He comes home and has me wash his hair in the kitchen sink! Don't know who reads your posts, but that would totally gross out Sandi Prows...sorry Sandi. On another note, you DO have great kids. Never forget that! I'm inclined to think, however, that great kids come from great parents and you can answer in the affirmative to that label. Keep up the good work and one day you will be able to feel as blessed as your good ol' Mom and Dad!
FINALLY got a chance to read your blog. Havn't read my e-mail in a long time. i have said it before and i say it again, you are a great writer! You make me laugh, my friend. Exactly what i needed today. Feeling rather tired after my night at the er with Luke last night. He has Croup and couldn't breathe so we had to take him in for a breathing treatment. So fun. That was a perfect day you had. Treasure it. Miss you my friend.
PS. Want to hear more about the fast food challenge.
Meant to tell you this is really Heather not Ryan. Thought you'd figure it out :)
I was your high light?!?! I'm verclempt. Or you are desperate. As far as work out music goes, this may sound totally cheesy, but I totally get into what I listened to in high school. 80's rule. Go back to your favorites. . . Even the Bangles, Bengals. . whatever.
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