Monday, April 18, 2011

If It Were Easy......

Anybody could do it.

Lately, life at our house has been a little rough around the edges. Dad is busy at work, (I mean REALLY BUSY!) We are heading down the home stretch of the school year which means that we have testing, programs, reading goals, etc.... not to mention parties, carnivals, and all the other things that go along with spring. Plus, we have a newborn, which is awesome, but time consuming. Now don't get me wrong, this post is not meant as a "pity party," quite the opposite in fact.

First things first. My husband. Love him! He is an awesome dad and a great husband. He always tries his hardest and doesn't do anything halfway. I have now officially known him for more than half my life, so I speak with some authority when I say that the guy is just too hard on himself. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that was supposed to be my job! I always joke that along with all of the great lessons he learned while serving his mission in Mexico, he had his fun gene sucked out of him. He came home diligent, hardworking, dedicated, and a little too.... serious. Nothing makes me happier than seeing him laugh and I love to watch him find joy in the little things. Unfortunately, it seems like this is getting rarer lately.

He travels for work... A LOT. In fact, he probably spends more time in the company of J. Willard Marriott, than he does with us. The travel is not all bad. We used to go with him when the kids were younger, and since he sets his own schedule, the flexibility is awesome. When Will was born, he was able to be home until he was almost 6 weeks old. He is able to teach Spanish to Allie's class once a week. He sees most of Jack's programs and makes a lot of his cheese sandwiches. He is on the Community Council at Erin's school. These things wouldn't be possible if he had a regular 9 to 5 gig. However, this job also means that some weeks, he works 80+ hours on the road and then comes home to a 10-hour day on Friday. He has expenses, reports, prep for the next week and special projects to complete. Add the garden that needs to be planted, the deck that needs to be replaced and family relationships to be maintained, and it sometimes makes for a stressed-out daddy!

Today was one of those days. He was running late, trying to file an amended tax return, forgot to get his prescription filled, didn't have enough clean underwear due to a washer/dryer scheduling mix-up and had to pack clothes to work in three cities, with different climates, in three different days. Jack asked him to stay home, his car was nearly out of gas and the TSA.... oy vey. This post is mostly a shout-out to him, but in thinking about all of this today, it is really applicable to all of us. One of Matt's favorite quotes is by Teddy Roosevelt.

"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is
the chance to work hard at work worth doing."

How lucky he is, and we all are, to have the opportunity to do things that matter.

Sometimes it is a struggle to remember this. Sometimes, we want to sit around and feel sorry for ourselves. It can be hard to remember that we must be challenged to become better. There is no question in my mind that I am a better person because of the hard times. I am grateful that every prayer my kids say includes gratitude for the time we're able to spend together as a family... I'm pretty sure that we wouldn't appreciate that as much if we didn't have time apart.

I am so glad that my husband is willing to work so hard and sacrifice so much for our family. Although it stinks that he can be gone so much, his good example to me and our children makes us all better.

In the end, a few quotes that I try to remember when things get rough.

Happiness is a form of gratitude.
To whom much is given, much is required.
Enjoy the journey!

And my all time favorite.....

Put your big girl panties on an deal with it!

So here's to all of you, and to me. Life is good. It can be hard sometimes, but if it were easy, anyone could do it! Be present in your life, own your decisions and your opportunities, and pay them forward.


The Harding Hive said...

Oh Rebekah! Boy did I ever need to hear this today. Thanks for the encouragement. Big girl I come!

lovinlife said...

You've got a great attitude! Thanks for the good example! I know that I'd have a really hard time if Joseph had to travel a lot. Also, love the quotes! :)