Monday, October 27, 2008

I Love to Look at Blogs

I have a confession to make.... I have become totally addicted to my computer.  I swear that I spend waaaaaay too much time looking at everyone else's life instead of living my own.  My house is a wreck and I find myself getting annoyed at my Facebook friends because they don't do enough interesting things often enough to keep me entertained.  I guess that means it's time to step back bit.

I do love reading blogs and keeping up with what's going on in everybody's lives.  It's fun to see everybody's kids and what we are all up to today.  The only problem is I haven't put any of my life out there for all to see.

I thought I'd start a blog and that would be lots of fun.  The only problem is, I am freaked out to post stuff.  I guess it's easy to be intimidated by everybody else, but I guess the time to watch from the sidelines is over.  I hereby resolve to become a dedicated blogger.  Don't hold me to it!