Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Six Months.... Where Does The Time Go?

I can hardly believe this guy has been around for over half the year. Technically, he's closer to 7 months that 6, but because we just had the doctor appointment yesterday, the blog update is today.

Will tipped the scales at 18 pounds even. I thought he was closer to 20, but evidently my mom's scale may be off a bit. That puts Will at exactly the 50th percentile.

Will measured 27.5 " long. That puts him in the 76th percentile and keeps our hoop dreams alive.

The biggest part of Will, like all of our kids, is his head. He is in the 90th percentile for his head size.

Going by these measurements, Will be tall, slim and brilliant... not a bad combo if you ask me.

At six months, Will has long ago rolled over and has learned that by doing so repetitively, he can get just about anywhere he wants to go. He hasn't exactly learned to crawl yet, but he tries really hard. On Sunday, he made it up on all fours for the first time.

Will loves his Mom, which can I just say, is awesome? He actually cries when I leave. I know this isn't supposed to be encouraged, but it's a first for me, so I'm indulging a bit. He has adorable dimples and loves to play with his brothers and sisters. He is the most content baby. The only times he really cries are when he needs to be changed or when he's hungry. Once those basic needs are met, he is back to Mr. Happy Baby.

We like to call him Mr. Will, the Will-boy or Monkey and his dark eyes with their long lashes light up every time you talk to him.

We are still working to get him over the cough that has plagued him since he was born. The doc gave us a scrip for an inhaler, so hopefully that helps.

He is babbling a lot (much different than Jack) and I swear, has said Mama. His napping still comes in fits and starts, and is often only when he's being held, but I don't mind indulging him a bit.

He may cut teeth someday, but until then, we'll just keep changing his shirt multiple times a day.

William is a delight. He has been the perfect addition to our family and makes us all happy. I'm looking forward to having him all to myself once the big kids start school; we will be buddies and have the best time.

1 comment:

Shanna said...

Where does the time go? I swear, it's impossible that almost 7 months has passed since this little guy was born. I love his dimples and his smile. They make everyone feel like they're so funny. Leah's certain that she has a special bond with him that makes him stop crying. He's such a sweet baby :)