Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mmmmmm.... Maple Bars!

I bet you've never been so happy to see the month of May end. I know that you've probably been bored to tears with learning about me. Sorry.... I owe you one.

There are so many things running through my mind.... what to blog about??? Well, I guess there's my trip from last weekend; but I'm waiting for my brother to get me copies of his pictures he's taken so that I can use them.... guess who forgot to take her camera battery charger to Chicago? I could blog about Allie -- she turns nine on Thursday. I will, but that's going to take some brain cells, and mine are fried right now. So I guess I'll settle for a few impressions, a little bit of a rant and some updates on some previously mentioned items.
  • Probably the biggest thing going on in recent days: Matt's dad. He had a tumor removed from the exterior of his colon last Tuesday. We went into the whole thing thinking that it was probably colon cancer. The surgery led medical personnel to believe it might be lymphoma. The surgeon said he'd never seen a tumor like that. The biopsy came back on Friday and the results were.... inconclusive. So we still know very little. They're thinking plasma malignancy, but who knows. We have some information from previous blood tests and we're hopeful that maybe this is just some freaky anomaly, but we won't know for sure for a couple of weeks. The silver lining in all this is the family vacation is still on. We are all headed to Washington DC in a couple of weeks. Thank you for your prayers and support.

  • So onto a little health news of my own. After five years of wondering, the verdict is in and it's looking like I may have a hole in my heart. Matt has failed to fill it :) I told him that diamonds might work, and he says he'll take his chances. I head in for an MRI tomorrow and and EKG in the upcoming weeks. My parents have both had holes fixed in their hearts and so I'm not too worried. The alternative, a stroke, is much worse, so I'm grateful that this can be fixed.

  • Matt.... he finished his paper. It was awesome, although a little technical and formal, but I am so proud of him. He worked so hard. Keep your fingers crossed!

  • Last week of school.... oh so excited! We have a couple of programs, and a birthday spotlight this week, but I am so looking forward to enjoying no schedule.

  • Jack, oh my sweet little Jack. I love him. He makes me so happy. I will be so sad when he starts Kindergarten in the fall. Don't get me wrong, I think he'll do so well, but I will be bummed to lose my little buddy. Today he said, "Mom, I want to say my prayers every night." I asked him if we should say family prayers more, and he said, "no, I just want to say them myself." I need to do a post on him.... I missed his birthday in January.

  • Family time. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to spend time with my husband, kids, parents, brothers and their families this last weekend. We had a great time at the baseball games and playing with our new American Girl Dolls. I am looking forward to some more time with the family in the next few weeks.

  • I still want to swear at Mother Nature for this crappy weather.... understand, I have been out of town so I may have missed some sunshine, but I'm doubtful. I saw postings of snow while I was out of town. I am grateful that my vegetables aren't dead yet and that my grass is green, but I am ready for some warm weather.

  • The baked goods challenge. Not a total loss, but not as successful as the McDonald's challenge. I did discover that I kill time by eating cookies, doughnuts and rice krispy treats. I did cheat a bit here and there, but I think raising awareness is a good thing. I plan on stopping by Harmon's in the morning for my maple bar, and then re-upping on my commitment to abstain.

  • I'm reading Bossypants by Tina Fey, and I'm laughing myself to the point of urination on every page. TMI, I know, but you should totally get it, unless you're really offended by swears, then you probably won't find it as funny as I do.

Well, that is all. It's 10:30ish and I need to be by St. Mark's Hospital by 6:30 am, so I need to get to bed. I don't think Matt's going to go for another nap tomorrow afternoon. I see laundry and a ukulele concert in my plans tomorrow.

Good night all, and God bless!

Hopes, Dreams and Plans for the Next 365 Days

So what do I have on tap for the next year? I'm not exactly sure. I expect that it will be more of the same. I will try my best to be a good example to my children. I will hopefully learn to be more patient with myself, my husband and my children. I want to make memories with them, and I want them to know how much I love them, so any goals I make should be related to this, I'm thinking.

I plan to do some traveling with my family. Chicago and Milwaukee this weekend. Washington DC, Cleveland, Columbus and Gettysburg in June. We may throw in a trip to the Northwest in August. September and October will bring fun times in Disney World with the family.

I hope to find the opportunities to provide meaningful service to my friends, family and neighbors.

I hope for good health for those I love. I hope that my children will grow big and strong and that their hearts will be happy.

I want to become happier with who I am. I would like to find a greater degree of self-acceptance and take the opportunities I'm provided with to grow and learn new things.

The biggest thing that I hope for the next 365 days is to show gratitude. I am thankful for all that I have and I want to do my best to express that thanks.

Monday, May 30, 2011

A Person I Love

This guy I know.... and love.... and have for many years. He is my best friend. With him, I know I can do anything.

When I first met him, he taught me to find joy in the journey. He taught me patience; remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. He has laughed with me, and at me. He has cried with me, or has let me cry. He puts up with me; not an easy job most days. He understands my thought process and has learned to anticipate my thoughts and actions.

I can't honestly imagine anyone else that I would rather be with than him. He makes me want to be a better person. He has given me four beautiful children and supports me as I do my best to try and raise them. Every day I am grateful to have him in my life and love having him on my journey!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Place I Love

This is hard to choose. There are several, so you guessed it..... you're getting the lowdown on all of my favorite places.

  • The Oregon Coast - Nothing calms me like a walk on the beach. I love collecting shells and rocks and the smell of the sea air. I have such fond memories of spending time here as a child and I can't wait to spend some time there with my kids.

  • Walt Disney World - To any of you who know ANYTHING about me, this isn't a surprise. But it's not so much the activities there that I love, but the opportunity to escape the details of my everyday life and spend time with my family. We have so many memories of things we have done and experienced together in the Kingdom. It is truly the Happiest Place on Earth.

  • Gettysburg, PA - For those of you who don't know, I am a nerd! My family and I really enjoy spending time learning about American History, and this place is like the Holy Grail of American History. We go at least every two years, and we have a trip planned in June. When I was taking classes to prepare for Erin's birth, the nurse told us to visualize a peaceful place. The hills of Pennsylvania entered into my mind. I love the mist over the battlefield in the early morning. Eating a hot dog at Texas Ernie's brings a smile to my face and ice cream at Friendly's is a fun time.

  • Home Sweet Home - I love spending time at home with my family. I am really looking forward to some relaxing times this summer. I love to be in the backyard with the kids playing and the dogs running around. The smell of hamburgers on the grill and the smell of flowers.... can't beat it.

    Here's hoping for some good weather and dead mosquitos!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Children I Love

Here they are in their Easter finery. If you had told me, 20 years ago, that I would be the mother of four, I would have told you that you were INSANE! Thank heavens that my heart softened, and that these little people came into my life. They are a joy! There are hard times, for sure, but nothing beats a hug or a smile from my kids. Their joys are my joy and their pain breaks my heart. They know how to brighten my day and I can't imagine what my life would be like without them. Thank you is not enough to my Heavenly Father for sending them to me. I promise Him that I will always do my best to help these children become the best they can be.

Friday, May 27, 2011

A Funny (True) Story

Most of the funny stories in my life have to do with my kids. Lately, they're almost exclusively courtesy of this little guy.....

He says some of the funniest things.

Last week, I called him a butt head. I know, another great mommy moment. Without skipping a beat, he turned around and said, "I'm not a butt head, I'm a free thinker." Where does he come up with this?

Two weeks ago, he was in trouble. "JACK MATTHEW PIERCE, come here!" "Don't call me Jack, call me Mr. Harrison." This kid either has multiple personalities, or he's just trying to pass the blame around.

Love this boy!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Favorite Photo

This is a picture of my kids, with my brothers' kids on Christmas Eve. Every year, my mom gives us all new Christmas jammies. The adults, well we're not so cute anymore, but our kids are adorable. This year was a turning point because Erin no longer fits into the same PJ's as her cousins. This was also the last group picture taken before Will joined the family. I love these kids. I love the anticipation of Christmas morning and I'm so thankful that all of these little kids have each other.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Day in Great Detail

Okay, so I'm sure that most of you couldn't give a crap what I do all day, and some of you (pointing the finger at Matt) may wonder, but here it is, with all of the gory details.

Monday, May 23, 2011

  • 5:30 am - Will is uncharacteristically awake and will not go back to sleep without being fed. Make bottle and feed while trying not to fall asleep myself.
  • 6:15 am - Fell back asleep for a while. Will is back in crib and I am in my bed. Matt is at basketball and I am cuddling with none other than.... my dog Annie.
  • 6:45 am - Allie is in my bed trying to tell me about her bad dream. I mutter something about "it will be okay" and ask her to stop talking because I'm trying to sleep. Great mom, huh?
  • 7:30 am - I wake up again. Jack is now in my bed and Allie is on my toilet. She is trying to tell me what she's reading in People magazine, and I reiterate that "I don't care, leave me alone."
  • 8:10 am - Allie is nearly ready for school. Will is crying. Erin is still in bed and Jack is dressed and waiting to go to his friend Arden's house to play.
  • 8:20 am - Make my bed and sort the laundry. Matt needs clean underwear for his trip this week. Matt is home from basketball.
  • 8:40 am - After getting Allie off with her carpool, I load Erin and Will in the car. Erin has her country fair at school today, so we load in the three-sided project board and the backpack, and we're off.
  • 8:50 am - Erin is at school, and Will and I head to RB's for gas and a Diet Coke. Then we go to Jo-Ann's to get two silk flowers, a spool of gold ribbon and 2 yards of woven tapestry ribbon to help dress up Erin's Czech Republic costume for the day.
  • 9:30 am - Back at home. Change the load of laundry. Feed Will and do the dishes. Clean the kitchen and put Will down for a nap.
  • 10:30 am - With Will asleep, I'm off to the credit union to deposit the girls money that they earned helping Grandma and Grandpa this week. I head to the bank to cash in the spare change that Allie rolled and open a savings account for Will.
  • 11:00 am - Headed home to get Will's birth certificate, because evidently you need two forms of ID to set up a bank account for a baby :)
  • 12:00 pm - Bank accounts set up, and with a stop by Rue 21 for some headbands, I head to Erin's school to drop off her costume for the afternoon. We work out the kinks in the costume and then she's all sit.
  • 12:30 pm - Lunch at Salt City Burger with my favorite guys. You have to try it. I got a Buy One, Get One special over my phone that expires this weekend, so what's a girl to do? Love the sweet potato fries.
  • 1:30 pm - Back at the school to look at Erin's project alongside all of her classmates. She looks awesome and the project is pretty good.
  • 2:00 pm - Back home and in the basement sewing. I'm making some tote bags for my kids and my nieces and nephew. We're going to Chicago this weekend, and I'm thinking that the kids will have a few purchases that they might need to keep track of.
  • 3:15 pm - In the trusty minivan, headed to Allie's school to drive the afternoon carpool. Four kids, and stops later, I'm back at home and trying to round up the girls to head to Activity Days at the church.
  • 4:00 pm - Dropped off the girls, talked to my friend Lisa, and then headed to the vet. Annie needs her Bordatella booster before she can stay at the kennel this weekend.
  • 4:30 pm - In the kitchen, scrubbing potatoes to bake for dinner tonight. Make a bottle for Will. Open a YouTube account so I can post a video of Jack's preschool program on blog.
  • 4:45 pm - Turn on TV to watch while I feed Will and am instantly ticked that I forgot to record Oprah today. Made sure that the next two days are set on my DVR.
  • 5:00 pm - Updating blog and watching the news. Will is fed and happy. Dinner is almost done. Girls are home and Allie wants help with her homework. (Did I mention that I can't wait until school is out in two weeks?)
  • 6:00 pm - Baked potato bar for dinner.
  • 7:00 pm - Blogging and more sewing.
  • 8:00 pm - Supervise the bathing and bedding of children.
  • 9:00 pm - Finish sewing.
  • 10:00 pm - News and bed.
Are any of the rest of you sick of my life??? I'm sorry if these daily "get to know me" posts are obnoxious. This is more for me than for you. Until tomorrow America!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Video

If this works, and you guys are actually able to see this, I will think that I'm the coolest person I know.

This is a great opportunity to blog about a recent happening in our family.

Jack's Preschool Program!

I love Aunt Sand's Preschool. And let's just say, I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is. My gas money that is. Jack is the third of our kids to go to school here (in addition to myself 31 years ago.) I drove Allie down twice a week for her last year before kindergarten and have done the same with Jack. Half an hour, each way, twice a week. But I can't imagine it any other way.

Sandra Ahlquist is a friend of my mom's. We were in the same ward when I was small, and when I was four, she opened a preschool in her basement. I can still remember my program and being mortified when people laughed as I shook my chicky-bum for all the world to see. Sandra and Mrs. Jensen were my teachers, too, and they have lots of stories that my kids like to hear. Evidently, although not surprisingly, I used to tell the endings to the stories before they could finish reading them and I had a heckuva time folding construction paper for spider legs. I can remember trying to learn my phone number and sitting across the table from my best friend Trent.

Sandra does such a good job with these little kids. She helps them to feel loved, and teaches them self confidence. Although my children have never lacked the aforementioned self-confidence, it has been wonderful to watch them grow and develop as little kind, loving people under Sandra's guidance.

She was recently recognized for all of the good work she has done over the years.

Jack has had a hard time going there. We moved to Centerville when he was 4 months old, so he doesn't have friends that go to school there like the girls did. He has fought me nearly every day, but even he would say that last night's program was worth the commute.

This clip is Jack dressed as Woody and singing "You've Got a Friend in Me." He is standing next to his buddy Austin. There are several other clips, but this one is the best.

Sandra, I'm not sure that William will have the same opportunity as the others, but I want you to know that the gift you have given my children is priceless. Thank you for all your hard work and love over the years. You are awesome!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Lemonade Stand

As the saying goes, "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Well, I guess it's time for a little lemonade. Warning: this post may be deemed TMI, so read at your own peril.

The lemons; bitter, but without them, you'd have very little.

  • Sickness - within the last three weeks, every single member of our family has found themselves throwing up or with diarrhea; or both. I know, I know.... TMI. I hate the stomach flu. I hate sick kids. I hate throw-up in cars and on carpet, but it happens.
  • Pregnancy Scare - yes.... you heard that right. This little bit of info is why I'm taking my dad off the email list for this post. What do you get when you're puking during the time you're ovulating.... yep, the fear that you'll have a fifth child, despite your best efforts to prevent said child. Happily, I am not announcing a pregnancy, but life has been a little stressful because of this little accident.
  • Cancer - yep, you read that right. Doctors are fairly certain that Matt's dad has colon cancer. We're not exactly sure how far reaching it is, but it's not looking good. He has surgery tomorrow to cut out the spot they currently know about. I'll keep you posted on how it turns out.
  • My month-long boycott of store-bought baked goods. This has been WAY harder than McDonald's. I want a freaking donut! Not cancer, I know, but a lemon, nonetheless.
  • School projects. I love my kids teachers, love them dearly, but I am soooooo done with boards, and papers, and programs. Enough already.
The water; those things that help to diffuse the bitterness of life's trials.
  • I am so grateful for the lessons and comments made at church. For the things I learn that give me hope for the future. They help me to endure and to want to be better.
  • Gainful employment. I am thankful for Matt's job. Just like anything in life, there are highs and lows. He is gone a lot, but I am grateful that he does something that he enjoys. He is challenged in his daily tasks and is given opportunities to excel. He has spent the last two months working on an extensive application for his company. It is 56 pages and has been no easy thing to complete. I am so proud of him for his efforts. I am also very grateful that he has a boss that is mindful of our family, our life together, and is all to willing to give credit where credit is due.
  • A home. As we have endured storm after storm this spring, I am grateful that my family is blessed with a nice home. Some place that is warm; literally a refuge from the storm. There is nothing quite like laying in bed in the middle of the night and listening to the storm rage outside. I am constantly reminded about a story my dad told me. It's important to be prepared so that you can sleep when the wind blows. What a great lesson.
  • Good friends. I cannot honestly say what I would do without my great friends and neighbors. I would also add family to this list. Someone to laugh with you when you're happy, and a shoulder to cry on when you're sad. I am so grateful for those people I know that are willing to help me with my home, my children and my life. It truly does "take a village."
  • I am grateful for the power of the Priesthood. I am thankful for my husband who exercises his Priesthood. For blessings and assurances of comfort.
The sugar; those bits of sweetness that bring pure joy!
  • My children, of course. Gotta love them. They help me through the days, and bring me great joy. They make me laugh and there are times that I can't wipe the smile from my face.
  • Harmon's Grocery Store. Stick with me. I am in love with a grocery store! I grew up in West Valley... the land of Bob and Randy. They finally opened up their store in Farmington and I am love with it. In fact, last week, Matt and I went on a date there. Matt sampled shrimp, we went gaga over the produce and took in the vast selection. We made plans to go again.
  • Bunko. Love my bunko girls. It was at my house and although I didn't love having to clean and cook, it was so much fun to have folks over.
  • Good books. I love the escape of a good book. I haven't been reading as much as I'd like to and I'm looking forward to having some more time to do it during the summer.
So there's your lemonade. Anyone want to buy that for a nickel?

Now please don't think I'm complaining. I'm documenting.
  • I am grateful that although we have been sick, my children and my husband, and myself have gotten better. A little Gatorade, some Saltines and a banana or two and we're sitting pretty.
  • Babies. I love babies. I love Will. Even if we were pregnant and having another baby in January of 2012, we would be okay. If truth be told, this is the area of my life that I feel most unnerved about. I think we're done, but I thought that after Jack, too. I wish I knew what to do. I'm getting old, I have gray hair; but if Heavenly Father wants us to have another one, I'd do it in a heartbeat. How do you ever know?
  • Cancer. I don't have a lot of experience with this one. The only folks I've ever known with this have been old. They didn't deserve to get it, but it wasn't entirely tragic. My father-in-law is only 60. He still has a lot to do. I am really hoping that the situation isn't dire. But if it is, I take comfort in knowing that we are all here on earth as part of a greater plan. I am thankful that we are a "Forever Family" and that the bonds we enjoy here on earth last into the next life.
  • June 1st can't come soon enough. Next Wednesday will find me eating a maple bar. Enough said!
  • School's Out For Summer! At least in a week or so. Can't wait. Lot's of fun things to do!
We are blessed. No question about it. Even life at it's worst, isn't half bad.

PS.... if you have a blog, send me a link 'cause I want to see all the crazy stuff in your life too!

A Favorite Joke

This one is totally stupid, and not original, but makes me laugh every time.

Q: What was the last thing to go through the bugs mind when it hit the windshield?
A: It's butt!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Favorite Recipe

Some of you may know, that I'm not exactly a whiz in the kitchen. I am slowly discovering cooking (on more than a primal, sustaining sort of level) and am enjoying it. With that said, a good recipe, might I even say favorite, is one that my kids will eat and not complain about. So here it is.... their favorite, and one that I think is quite tasty too.

Chicken Casserole

  • Chicken (my mom used to boil a whole one, but I used canned from Costco because who has time to boil chicken???) I use two cans.
  • Stove Top Stuffing
  • Cream of Chicken Soup
  • Cream of Mushroom Soup
This recipe is sooooo easy. Spread chicken in bottom of 9x13 pan. Top with stuffing mix, made according to package directions in microwave. Top with two cans of soup. This is even easier now because Campbell's makes a can of soup that combines Cream of Chicken and Mushroom in one can. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

Serve with canned green beans and the kids will love you! Last week I tried to be fancy and substitute corn, and Erin hurled. So, I think the green beans seal the deal!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Hobby of Mine

I wish I could say that I have a lot of time for hobbies, but the truth of the matter is, I have entered that phase in my life where my kids are pretty much my hobby. There are, however, a few things that I would ditch them for in a heartbeat.

  • A good book. I love to read, and we have eaten cereal on more than one night because the afternoon has gotten away from me.
  • Sewing. I'm not very good, but I enjoy making things. But no patterns, that makes it official.
  • I obviously spend a lot of time on my computer. That counts as a hobby, right.
  • If the weather isn't extreme, I like to work in the yard, provided Matt's out there with me.
  • Sleep. I still love to do it and will do it almost any chance I get.
Wouldn't it be great if this list included an exercise of some sort? Well, it doesn't. Get over it already!

Friday, May 20, 2011

My Wedding

My gosh, don't we look young? And looking back, you can totally tell that I did my own hair. Why didn't somebody offer to help a girl out? Anyway, this is the photo in front of "the tree." This tree, an olive tree I believe, was ripped out when that freak tornado blew through downtown in August of 1999, so I love that we have our picture in front of it.

Let's see, what to tell you about my wedding day? Well, for starters, Matt was late to the temple. That freaked me out a bit; but not as much as it freaked my parents out, I think. We were married on June 19, 1997 in the Salt Lake Temple. It was really hot (June, go figure) so most of our photos show me squinting and sweating. One interesting fact, when I experience even the slightest rise in temperature, I sweat like a gut-shot hog. Not a pretty sight. Which is why I hate the fact that evidently all of the women in my ward have poor circulation and they keep the Relief Society Room at greenhouse temperature. I swear, I don't have any horrendous sin to confess, I'm just hot, dang it.

But I digress.....

Our sealing was performed by Robert Rice (the Rice-Eccles Stadium guy.) He did a really great job. The one piece of advice that I remember him giving us was that it was not okay for either of us to give less than 100%. That is great advice, and I'm sad to say that it hasn't always been easy to keep that up, but we try. As part of our ceremony, he asked Matt and I to share with our friends and family what first attracted us to each other. Like the big dorks that we are, Matt's response was "that she was smart" and my response was "that he was nice." You know, we are dorks, but those two traits can't be easily taught, so thank heavens they came hard-wired in us.

We had lots of friends and family who supported us on that day. After photos at the temple, we went through the drive-thru at McDonald's for a drink (I told you I had a deep-seated addiction.) We had our wedding breakfast, catered by my in-laws at a church in Matt's stake. It was nice.

Our reception that afternoon was held at West Ridge Golf Course. There was actually some reluctance about having some place other than the church (didn't want to look snooty), but they wouldn't reschedule Cub Scouts, so what were we to do? My dad was ticked! Anyway, we invited tons of people (man, we were a bit pretentious, but we didn't want to leave anyone out and we were the first in both of our families to get married, etc...)

I have really fond memories of my wedding day. I had loved Matt for so long that it was awesome to finally make it official. In fact, I distinctly remember thinking that our day could have ended after the temple and it would have been okay.

We had a Disney-themed reception... what else? We had Disney snowglobes on all the tables and the music was all Disney.

Our cake bit the dust. We had originally intended to have a four-tiered cake with flowers, but one bump during the set-up and all we heard was "OHHHHH SHIT!!!!!!!" coming from my mom's friend Myrna, the cake-maker. I think everyone thought I was going to freak out, but what could I have done? Nothing. At least we weren't serving cake as a refreshment.

I loved seeing everyone at the wedding. As I think back on it now, and look back at photos, it was such a great occasion. It certainly wasn't the fanciest wedding, but it was fun and I remember it fondly.

We spent our first night as a married couple at Little America, and flew out the next morning to Disney World for our Honeymoon.

As we get ready to celebrate 14 years of marriage, I can honestly say that I am married to my best friend and that we are still laughing and enjoying each other's company after all this time.

And a note to those of you who are still looking for that special someone, heed my words of wisdom....

"Beauty fades, but stupid stays."

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Dream House

Home is where your family is; so I guess in that sense, I am in my dream home. Actually when we moved into our home five years ago, I got most of what I was looking for. Does that mean it's perfect? No, but I have an upstairs laundry room, more than one bathroom, enough space for all my kids, a craft room that most people would die for, a jetted tub and plenty of cupboard space. The yard has mature trees, although the stupid gopher that lives in my backyard is slowly taking care of that. We are building a new deck this summer and we've done a lot of remodeling. I hate my carpet, but we'll replace that when the kids are done spilling on it.

So what would my dream home have that I don't now? A wrap-around porch. More land. Hardwood floors throughout. Granite countertops. The decor would be straight out of the Diane Keaton/Jack Nicholson movie, "Something's Gotta Give," only less white. I am a Pottery Barn Kids junkie, so I would love to have some of their organizers and bins to keep everything in. I would love a screened-in back porch, complete with a swing. Oh yeah, and it would clean itself. Most of that, I think I can get in my lifetime, but the last one, well, I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Will at Four Months

So my little guy is four months old now and I am completely and totally in love. There are a few things about him that I'm still not crazy about; not a great napper and he coughs like he has a two-pack-a-day habit, but other than that, he is wonderful.

He has started to smile and has an adorable little giggle. He still has beautiful long eyelashes and hasn't lost his dark hair. I'm still not sure what color his eyes are going to end up being; they're looking hazel to me. He sleeps through the night and has dimples. He still has hairy ears.

I took him to the doctor today for his check-up. He weighs 15 pounds 4 ounces and is 25 1/2 inches long. He's met all of his developmental milestones and is an awesome little dude.

He went camping with his dad for the first time last weekend and was the hit of the party.

I am so happy that he is a part of our family. Love you Homer!

My Worst Habit

Um, that would be spending money to make myself feel better. Not huge chunks of money, mind you, but I love me a little retail therapy. It's amazing how much I can fritter away by buying nothing.

Speaking of fritters, I guess this is just as good a time as any to tell you that abstaining from baked goods is WAY harder than McDonald's. I never realized how much I stop for cookies/brownies/doughnuts/rice krispy treats to kill time. That, my friends, is the downfall of being a chauffeur. I must confess, there have been a couple of lapses; I ate a maple bar my sister-in-law brought me and I got a box of cookie chippers when I went to lunch at Paradise for a friends birthday last week. Now that I have confessed, I am set to finish strong.

A Favorite Food

Sadly, but by way of explaining my weight problem, my culinary cravings are pretty much junk. I love cheap, crappy nachos at the Jazz game. I really enjoy pizza; any pizza. Really, how bad can bad pizza be? I like Blizzards from Dairy Queen (Peanut Butter Cup is my favorite) and I love steak. I have never, and I mean NEVER, met a potato I didn't like and I think I have cheese coursing through my veins. Diet Coke is a way of life, and that life, without chocolate, is not worth living. Grilled cheese sandwiches and maple bars; these are a few of my favorite things.

Monday, May 16, 2011

My Celebrity Crush

Is it awkward if I say Angelina Jolie? Just kidding; she's just very attractive. I have to say that I like I like Hugh Jackman; he's a handsome man. The Old Spice guy's not bad either. I like Mike Rowe and Mark Harmon. My husband should be a celebrity, because he's really the only guy that I have a crush on!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Some Place I Want to Go

Okay, for someone like me who likes to travel, this is really hard. There are lots of different places that I want to see, and some that I've seen that I want to see again..... and again.

DisneyWorld and the Oregon Coast would fall into this category. So would England; I love it there. I want to take my kids to France. I'd also like to go back to Mexico and Hawaii.

Places I'd like to go that I've never been to:

Far and away, the place I want to go most in this world is Italy. It's been a lifelong dream. I was really bummed when Matt got to go as part of his MBA.

Great Wall of China
Macchu Pichu

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Talent of Mine

What are my talents??? Well, in the past, I would have defined my talents as singing, playing the piano, and maybe writing a bit. And while I still, technically, possess the abilities to do all of these things, I don't do them much; which is honestly a shame.

I do firmly believe that we are given talents to share with others. With that in mind, these are what I see my talents as today.

1. Comic Relief - I wouldn't say that I set out to try and be funny, but I do try hard to keep the mood light when it's helpful.

2. Not Sweating the Small Stuff - I don't think that things get to me, generally. That's not to say that I don't have my moments, but I have learned that things aren't made any better by freaking out.

3. Organization and Preparation - It is important to me to have as much information as possible when encountering any given situation. Because of this, I work hard to put in the prep time and make sure that things are presented in the best light possible.

4. Although this may sound like I'm bragging, I think I'm a good mother. I believe that the hardest part of life is showing up. I am definitely present in the lives of my children and their happiness and well-being is my number one priority.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Roly Poly

So guess who rolled over this week??? More than once??? This little guy is on the move. He is so happy and such a wonderful little baby, but I can't believe that we're here already. Time has flown by and now, we're on to sitting and scooting. Starting baby food next week and the first tooth can't be far behind. Guess I need to start thinking about baby-proofing again, huh?

Something I Bought Recently

I love my new boots! This wet spring weather has made a lot of mud in by backyard. Between the dogs and the chickens, and the kids, and the rain, there's a big mess at my house. I find myself out in the backyard, sometimes ankle-deep in muck, and my back door has a collection of dirty shoes by it. So, I found these cute little (okay, not-so-little) boots at Target. They have made all the cleanup I do outside considerably easier, and I look pretty snazzy too!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Photo of Me Taken Recently

I'll bet you'll never guess who takes the majority of our family photos? This one was actually taken a year ago. There have been a few others taken in the meantime, but delivery room pictures are out since my mom sent my missionary brother a picture of my hoo-haw by mistake when Allie was born. Bet that made for some interesting discussions. The other pictures taken of me seem to be taken by midgets or children, because they're looking up at the underside of my abdomen; not my best side.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Photo of Me Taken Over 10 Years Ago

So this is almost exactly ten years ago. It was one of only two times that I remember taking family pictures with my extended family on my dad's side. I cropped Matt out because he hated his haircut that I gave him and he'd yell at me because he thinks he looks fat in this picture. Yes, sometimes he's worse than a girl. Anyway, we had these taken at Memory Grove. My metabolism hasn't completely shut down yet, but it's getting tired. I like my hair. I suppose I could try and find older pictures to post, but since we didn't get a digital camera until 2001, and I'm too lazy to scan in older pictures, this is as good as it gets.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pet Peeves

How long do you have? I actually think the reason I am tentative to try something new is because I can be so judgmental of others. I try really hard not to be, but sometimes I can't help myself. I enjoy self-deprecating humor, so making fun of others has got to be more funny, right?? So maybe pet peeves are something that I should work a little harder to get over.... but there's time for that tomorrow.

1. Improper use of their, there and they're. They are different words, and have different meanings. Get it right people! You can follow this peeve down the road of to/too, your/you're, etc....

2. When I remember people but they don't remember me. I hate this because I have a very good memory (at least I used to.) I could probably pick just about any one I went to high school with out of a crowd and I'd be willing to bet you money they wouldn't remember who I was. Drives me nuts!

3. People acting like victims. Yeah, sometimes life sucks and hands you lemons, but 95% of the time, you're in the situation you're in because you chose, either actively or inactively, to be there. Own your choice and stop complaining.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Something I Crave

Okay, so I'm sorry that the pictures haven't been showing up on my posts. They show up when I write them, but not when they're published and you just get a big question mark. I have been too sick the last couple of days to care, so I'll just forget about the pictures from the web.

So.... something I crave. Baked goods, Diet Coke, those damn Cadbury Mini-Eggs. All things I love, but not something I crave.

Smiles from Erin, hugs from Jack, back rubs from Allie and slobbery kisses from Will. Conversation with Matt and time alone. These are the things I crave!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Oh My Heavens, My Erin's Eleven!

Who can honestly believe that time goes by so fast? This little girl changed my world forever when she finally made her debut (a week late, but worth the wait) I might add. She is like the wind at our house... light and breezy and the day is wonderful, but if a storm is brewing, you'd better watch out. All in all, she's fabulous. We couldn't ask for a better daughter and example to our other children. But, the amount I stress over things with this child has turned my hair gray; all in the pursuit of trying to get things right.

Here is a rundown of events for her birthday. I always swear that every year, I'm going to simplify things, and yet with Erin, nothing is ever simple.

Tuesday, May 3rd found us at Wendy's, eating our dinner with Grandma. This has become a prequel to the actual birthday celebration. In 2000, when our little peanut was getting ready for her belated entrance, we were waiting on the 3rd for the go-ahead to check-in at the hospital. I needed to be induced and there were some pills, chants and incantations evidently that needed to be performed to warm up my cervix. Well, I'll be danged if there wasn't some kind of baby boom! There were no beds available. Finally, about 10 p.m., my doctor called and told us to get something to eat and to try and get some sleep, they would call us when there was space. Well, at that time of night, our options were limited, but a Frosty sounded good so we headed to Wendy's. It's become a part of the celebration and this year was no exception. Matt wasn't able to come, because he was in Chicago at a meeting with Grandpa, so Grandma joined us and we ate our celebratory hamburgers.

Wednesday, May 4th... THE BIG DAY!!!! Started with a very weary Erin waking up early to open up her presents from mom and dad and her sibs! I'm not so sure that she was thrilled that they were all clothes, but the kid is growing like nobody's business and needed some new summer duds (cue the good weather, please!) She got a Hobby Lobby gift card from Allie and the boys and was in heaven! That store is like the Gold Standard for my kid! She's so excited figuring out how to spend the money. She got a phone call from her dad and then we were off to school for the day.

We stopped at Dick's and bought 3 dozen glazed doughnuts (I DID NOT partake however, due to my store-bought baked goods boycott,) and 3 dozen cans of root beer. I swear that stuff is coursing through Erin's veins. We dropped it off at school and headed to take Jack to preschool. While Jack was at school, Will and I went and bought balloons for Erin. We put them in Matt's car at the airport, so that when he got home later that night, he could look like the rockstar dad that he is!

After school, the girls had choir and Erin was so mad at me that I made her go! When it comes to this, I'm sure she's convinced that I'm trying to ruin her birthday by making her go, but again, don't care! While she's at choir, the boys and I stop and pick up an ice-cream cake (not baked) and head home to make the birthday dinner she requested; breaded chicken breasts, fettuccine alfredo, ranch and bacon pasta salad and corn. Not for the faint of heart, or diabetics of any nature. Grandma picked the girls up from choir and brought them home. We had dinner and waited for Daddy and Grandpa to get home and join us.

Soon after they arrived, looking like rockstars because of the aforementioned balloons, we had cake and watched the slideshow that I made for Erin. She didn't know that I had put it together and had given it to her teacher to show, so to say she was surprised would be an understatement. But she loved it!

Ugghhhh!! Birthday parties. Love them; hate them. Again, this is an area where I set the bar way too high, way too early. The scales tipped when I rented the cotton candy machine for Erin's circus party..... never going to be like that again. Anyway, the birthday outing with friends this year was supposed to be ice skating and dinner at Dairy Queen, but wouldn't you know that there was an ice show scheduled for Friday night. So we changed plans and decided to go bowling. Well, Friday morning (very early Friday morning) found me heaving over the toilet and flushed with fever. Not fun.... at all! What to do? Well, rockstar dad Matt took Erin and 5 of her friends (and her little sister) to dinner at KFC and bowling, while Grandma came and took the boys to her house for a playdate. All so I could be sick in peace. Erin was a little disappointed that I couldn't go, and Matt was amazed at the sheer amount of noise that can come from that many girls, but all in all, I think it was a great success, especially considering the circumstances.

The final event of the weekend was last night. I told you I need to simplify. Because of the aforementioned illness, Grandma, again, came to the rescue and offered to let us do cake and ice cream at her house instead of mine. Thank Heavens. The dirty laundry is making it's way down/up the stairs (kind of hard to tell) and it's been a little Lord of the Flies at our house this week. So, I dragged my butt from my bed, hopped myself up on DayQuil and went to celebrate the first-borns birthday with the family. We had nearly everyone there and it was fabulous. My awesome sister-in-law Shanna has recently gotten into making cakes. Erin asked for an American Girl doll cake and Shanna was up to the challenge. After cake, Erin got to open her presents and she was thrilled with what she got:

TWO Barbies -
I couldn't get this kid to play with dolls when she was little, but now she LOVES them.

A couple of gift cards and some money from Grandma & Grandpa P.

uDraw for Wii
A real art set from some of the aunts and uncles - she is beyond thrilled by this
A set of bunk beds for her American Girl dolls (not painted due to my illness)
Bedding for said bunk beds, finished in my bed, due to said illness


2 tickets to Taylor Swift in September

She was so excited. It's nice to see her like the things she got. It's unfortunate to be fortunate sometimes. My kids have been so blessed and really, want for nothing. And while it's wonderful for them to have the things they need and want in life, it's sometimes a challenge to keep them grateful and grounded. We try hard... sometimes we fall short. Thankfully, last night, she was very genuine in her gratitude.

Wow!!! That's a lot of stuff that happened to celebrate the birth of Erin! She's an awesome kid. I can't imagine what our family would be like without her. I have faith that Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he sent that kid down here. Sometimes I wonder, but I keep having faith :) There's something to be said for growing up with your children. She's the guinea pig; the one we try things out on. I know we're hard on her, but she handles our "refiners fire" with grace. She is beautiful and smart and creative and funny and kind and compassionate. I love her more deeply than I ever thought possible 11 years ago and I am so grateful she is mine.

A Piece of Art

I would love to say that I am one of those moms who love the stuff their kids make. While it's true that I enjoy their art projects, the sheer volume of paper and crap that my kids make would make an indian cry. Somewhere, in South America, there's a little corner of the rainforest with Erin's name on it. She has actively decimated some frogs natural habitat because she is so dang crafty.

Therefore, I am going to post pictures of some of my favorite works of art by "real" artists.

Starry Night, by Vincent van Gogh


The Persistence of Memory, by Salvador Dali


Love Vermeer, Van Eyck, Michaelangelo and da Vinci too. Now to a painting I want in my house.


This just reminds me of my boys. I love it! Someday when I can buy whatever I want, I'm going to get it.

One day, when my kids are all in school, I'm going to take an Art History class and re-learn all of the things I've forgotten since the 10th grade.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

I didn't want to let Mother's Day pass this year without telling the world how thankful I am for motherhood. I feel so honored to have the blessing of children in my life. I am grateful for a wonderful mother and mother-in-law. I am thankful for grandmas and great-grandmas who helped to shape me into who I am. I'm blessed by aunts who've loved me like a mother, and other women who mothered me when I needed extra help.

Thank you to my mom who has loved me unconditionally. Who taught me to go after what I want and who was ALWAYS there to back me up. As I've had my own kids, and have seen what's involved in trying to create "well-rounded" children, I am always amazed that my parents were so supportive of me and my brothers. Let's be honest, I'm trying to get my kid to drop out of the gifted program and quit piano so that my life is easier (just kidding; sorta). I'm glad that my mom could be a bit hard on me and taught me to be tough. That's a mom's job... to push your kids through the hard times. I'm so grateful for all the fun we've had over the years.... the bra-shopping when I thought I would die of embarrassment, and then of laughter. The jokes that nobody else quite gets. Somebody else in my world that understands that a Diet Coke and a maple bar just might be able to make everything better. I am grateful that she is a grandma who wants to be involved in my kids lives and will always do her best to help out, even if means a lot of driving on her part. Someone who will listen to me when I feel sorry for myself and then tell me to "put on my big girl panties" and get on with things.

Thank you to my mother-in-law who has truly become my second mother. A woman who raised my husband; who taught him that women have "emotions" and taught him to be gentle. For the wonderful grandmother she is and for her desire to build strong relationships with my children. For teaching me to take time to enjoy the small, quiet things in life; that cooking in the kitchen or weeding the garden is where memories are made. For taking the time and making the effort to foster a relationship with a lovesick girl while your son was serving a mission and for always being so awesome to talk to. I love talking to my mother-in-law.

To my grandmothers, both on this earth, and in heaven. Thank you for making me feel like I could do anything I wanted; and for expecting nothing less. Thank you for your examples in enduring, enjoying and enriching life. Thank you for working so hard and being such good examples.

To my Aunt Suzy, who loves me no matter what! For making me feel special and accepting anything and everything about me. I am so grateful to have you in my life.

To my girlfriends who are moms -- to my children and theirs. Thanks for your great examples and for the laughs. I am sure that you are the reason why I am able to get through life. Laughter and commiseration make all things possible.

Finally, to my children. For picking me. I'm not the best; not by a long shot, but you need to know this. I love you with all of my heart and my soul and I would do anything for you (unless it would be a better learning experience for you to do it yourself.) I am thankful everyday for the opportunity I have to be your mother. Thank you for being my guinea pigs, therapists and partners in crime. I love you!

A Fun Fact About Me

I don't know that any of the facts about me are what you would call fun. I like to plan.... I'm a great planner. I love to plan parties, vacations, you name it. I thought I was really good at this too, until I met my friend Amy. She took over as the PTA President after me and, wow, THAT girl knows how to plan. So here are a few other things, that while they might not be fun, are factual.

1. I wanted to play the trombone. I got stuck with the clarinet instead, because my cousin had already given it up.

2. I own chickens. Currently, we have seven, but don't tell the city (we're only supposed to have six.) Our dog Annie has killed three already, and Emmett has the hunger, so really, we just have an extra one on deck. Their names are: Maud, Alice, Leslie, Betsy, Lula, Rosie & Eliza.

3. I like to travel. I will go just about anywhere.

If I write much more, I'll blow the whole pace of the month-long reveal, so you're just going to have to wait until tomorrow to find out more.

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Favorite Quote

Remarkably, the source for many of my favorite quotes is A.A. Milne. For those of you who don't know, he is the man that wrote Winnie the Pooh.

As a matter of fact, we used one of my favorites on the wall in Will's room. Here's a photo.

My other favorite by him is:

"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day
so I have never have to live without you."

That quote is in my bedroom and it reminds me daily of how much I love and need Matt in my life.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Favorite Book

I really enjoy reading. Books have always been an escape for me and it's the one thing that Matt doesn't get mad when I buy. We buy them on most of our vacations, Disney included. A couple of years ago, my friend Lisa formed a book club, and I have loved the exposure to different types of books. Last year, for my birthday, Matt bought me a Nook. He really likes me! Here are a few of my favorites.

Favorite Children's Book:


Without question, this has got to be one of the best books ever written.

Favorite Memoir:


I don't care what 60 Minutes says, I love this book! And I firmly believe that if we spent even a fraction of the funds to educate girls that we spend to fight terrorists, our world would be a totally different place.

Favorite Historical Fiction:


You could really add any fiction related to biblical times, or ancient times, for that matter. Next up on my Nook is the new book about Cleopatra. Really looking forward to that one.

You could also add just about anything by Philippa Gregory, or any books about Medieval British History.

Now if I could only get my girls to catch the vision, life would be awesome!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

20 Favorite Things

Here's the list:

1. My Bed
2. Diet Coke
3. MacBook Air
4. iPhone
5. People Magazine
6. My Blanket
7. Lilac Bushes
8. Walt Disney World
9. Our Best Bites
10. Pictures of my kids
11. Sleeping In
12. My Old Trusty Minivan
13. Suntans in the Summer
14. Flat Screen TV's
15. NPR
16. Nook
17. Hot Chocolate
18. Early Mornings at the Cabin
19. Parties
20. Voting

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Favorite Movie

As stated earlier, my very favorite movie of all time is Steel Magnolias. It has several warm, funny, wonderful, witty women in it. My very favorite character is played by Shirley MacLaine. If you are ever watching this, invite me over, I love it!

Okay, so here are a few favorite movies besides my ultimate fav!

Favorite Disney Movie: Tarzan! This movie made me a total Phil Collins FAN-atic and the message of motherly love is wonderful. The music is fun and the characters are awesome. I love Tantor the elephant. The fact that this came out the summer I got pregnant with Erin might have something to do with my love affair. Will's bedroom is decorated with prints from this movie.

Favorite Romantic Comedy: When Harry Met Sally. I love this movie; and not for the reason you think. I love that the best friendships make the best marriages. Who among us cannot relate to all of the feelings shared between Harry and Sally?

Favorite Drama: The King's Speech.... the version with profanity. I am not always a fan of naughty words in movies, but this time it was actually central to the story. Such an awesome story of some rather obscure players in British history.

Favorite Comedy: Date Night! Tina Fey and Steve Carrell were so funny. My favorite was the Sexy Robot scene. I laughed so hard I nearly wet myself!

Favorite Dramedy: Parenthood. I love Steve Martin. His funny self, his serious self, and don't forget the banjo virtuoso. This movie makes me cry every time I see it. The grandma is my favorite. Love the roller coaster ride!

Favorite Musical: 1776. I love seeing the human side of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams. I also love the portrayal of the relationship of John and Abigail Adams. Kind of a rare find, but you should watch it if you have any interest in American history.

Favorite Action: Not my forte. Can't really recall the last one I saw. Matt, if you remember, please feel free to comment.

I love movies... I love the escape.... and a large Diet Coke and popcorn don't hurt either.

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Favorite Song

In reading over my last post, I realize that I didn't fully explain myself. I will be posting something about myself every day during May. So today, you get to hear about my favorite song.

To say that my musical tastes are eclectic would be the understatement of the year. I love me some Beatles, 60's folk music, 80's anything and the Dixie Chicks. The last song I downloaded from iTunes was Sir Mix-a-Lot's "I Like Big Butts" because someone told me it had a good beat for working out, and I figured it would be a self-esteem booster in the meantime. I love Christmas music and start playing it in September; I enjoy well written choral chamber music and showtunes make me happy. However, I know that I have passed the point of being cool and trendy when it comes to music. I listen to what my kids listen to (a lot) and really enjoy Taylor Swift.

Music for me is something that stirs my soul. There is something magical, and synergistic when the right song is playing on the soundtrack of my life. At this point, I would have to say that my favorite song(s) are:

1. How Firm A Foundation - loved teaching this song to the kids in Primary, but it took on special significance as a featured song at my grandpa's funeral. Since he has passed away, I have realized that who I am is laid on the foundation that he built.

2. We Belong Together - listen to the closing credits of Toy Story 3. I love this song.... it makes me happy.

3. Ordinary Miracle - Sarah MacLachlan. This makes me so grateful for my kids and all the wonders that present themselves daily in my life.

4. You Are My Sunshine - a classic. I sing it to my kids, just like my Grandma Homer sang it to me.

5. The Star-Spangled Banner - LOVE this song. So proud to be an American and so grateful for the freedoms that are mine and those, present and past who have fought for them.

I know that's more than one, but truly, it's like trying to pick a favorite child.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

All About Rebekah

I am borrowing this idea from my friend Nikki. May 26 is my birthday, and since this blog is a family record of sorts, I thought it would be a fun glance into who I am in 2011. I would hope that it might be interesting to some of you; at the very least it may offer an explanation for the crazies. I am going to start today with the five things that have shaped me most as a person.

1. My parents - they are great examples and as I grow and raise my own kids, I find myself looking back in my past for guidance.

2. My husband - we've been together for nearly 20 years, and I can now say that we are more alike than we are different. We got together because we had a lot in common, but the fact that I know how he'll react without talking makes life wonderful.

3. My children - I would like to say that I have become more fun since I have had kids, but they might disagree. One thing I know; I have learned to enjoy the little things in life and to find joy in the journey. There's nothing like seeing things from a child's perspective to make you appreciate all that life has to offer.

4. Erma Bombeck - To those of you who find yourself getting a chuckle from reading my blog, you can thank this wonderful lady. I was born old, so I have always found her funny, and spent a great amount of time reading her books as an adolescent.

5. Steel Magnolias - This movie is my all time favorite. Love that it's funny (so funny), sad and thoughtful all at once. I like so many movies, but I could watch this one over and over and recite all the lines along with it.

I hope you enjoy learning a little bit about me. If you don't, who needs you? There will also be regular posts throughout the month in addition to this egomaniacal experiment, so make sure to check back if you're interested.