So this is the part of the blog that takes on a "left for posterity" direction. I have never been much of a journal writer, but have always prided myself on being able to remember what I need to. Sadly, as my kids have gotten older, all of the unique things they did or were as wee ones have blended together. So with Will, I'm going to really make an attempt to write them down.
Will got off to a rough start. In addition to the normal feeding and sleeping difficulties that come along with any newborn, he was born in the dead of winter and has been sick since he was three weeks old. We have been to the hospital for deep suctioning, listened to him coughing throughout the nights, and he has rolled over repeatedly to get away from the dreaded "blue bulb." All things considered, he has been an excellent baby. I took him in for his 2 month check last week, and the doctor finally diagnosed him with a double ear infection.... not great news, but at least now the boy is on antibiotics and has a chance to get better. I'm looking forward to the added benefits of nicer spring weather (fingers crossed) to help keep my other kids germs outside and away from my baby!
At his 2 month check, he weighed 12.5 pounds and was 23 inches long. He is eating six ounces every 2-3 hours and although he is not a great napper, as of yet, he has been sleeping through the night for a couple of weeks now. Yay for me!
The kids love him, and all of them, including Jack, love to help take care of him. The other morning while I was trying to get a bottle made to feed him, and Will was screaming, Jack woke up from a dead sleep and sat in bed with the baby trying to hold and bounce him to soothe him. It was amazing to me that my little five-year-old guy, half-conscious, still remembered to support his head and neck, and was actually able to calm him down. I think when Will gets a bit older, these boys are going to be great buddies.
Now that he is finally on the mend, he has started to smile more and he has the cutest dimples. He hasn't lost too much of his hair and he is generally a very happy baby. He has a very calm demeanor; which is nice because life at our house can be a bit hectic at times. Will is great at going with the flow.
We blessed Will last week in my parents ward, and had lots of friends and family around to help us celebrate. It is so nice to have such supportive people in our lives. Will heads to church in our ward for the first time tomorrow. It will be nice to finally be back to normal. Because he has been so sick, he and I have stayed home much longer than I ever thought I would tolerate.
I love being Will's mom. I love that this wonderful gift from my Heavenly Father has strengthened my family. I love to watch Matt take care of Will and I love the tender moments I observe between my children when they think no one is watching. Most of all, I love holding a sleeping baby, the smell of baby's breath, little piggy toes and all the cute little sounds he makes. He is so sweet and I am so thankful to have the opportunity to experience all of this again. Thank you Will, for coming to us.
What a sweet boy. Love the picture of him and I am glad to hear that there is a light at the end of the sickness tunnel. I hope that spring brings a germ free house for new baby Will.
there is this gross but very effective thing called the nose frieda that I got on amazon for Ry that is awesome. But seriously so gross!!
Such a sweet post. I have to agree that Will is a calm, happy baby, at least from my perspective. I love to watch how your kids react when Will starts to fuss. One or more of them stops what they're doing to pick him up or talk to him, and it seems to do the trick in calming him down long enough for a bottle to be made. You have a sweet family!
He is so sweet and beautiful....
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