This year, as a third grader, Allie is enrolled in the Spectrum program (which is a gifted and talented program that our school district offers.) She had to test to get into it and did very well. She was a little nervous about it, because it requires that she attend a different school than her sister and neighborhood friends, but she has adapted wonderfully. As part of this program, her teacher offers an enrichment degree program. "Discover University" is a purely optional program that the students can complete in addition to their regular, accelerated school work. If it sounds like I'm bragging, you'll pardon me, because I am. As a parent, I have a hard enough time keeping up with the stuff that my kids HAVE to do, let alone have much energy left over for the optional stuff. Erin, unfortunately, is a lot like her mother and doesn't see the point in doing a whole lot extra (unless it's art-related.) Allie, is like her dad. If someone gives her an assignment, optional or otherwise, she's going to do it.
Well, today was the degree ceremony. There are three degrees that Allie's teacher offers; a Bachelor's, a Master's and Doctorate. The work is spread out to roughly coincide with the terms at school. Last term, because of a miscommunication, Allie missed out on getting her Bachelor's degree. It was a VERY SAD day at our house when we realized that we had messed up. She cried, and threw things and screamed that it wasn't fair and basically had a meltdown.... a fairly uncommon experience for my Allie-bear. My heart broke for her!
Fast forward to the end of the second term and this little spitfire has not only completed the requirements for her Bachelor's, but also her Master's so that she is now completely caught up with all her friends. A few of the requirements:
Achieve at least 85% in all subjects
Read to meet her goal (points system that = major time commitment)
10 Enrichment Center Activities (per degree)
1 hour daily exercise, 5 days a week
Book Reports
Research Papers
Allie did all of this, mostly self-directed. What a kid. So proud of her. Here are the pictures of her at her ceremony today... dressed in her black dress (to mimic a cap and gown) with her beautiful hair all curled for the occasion. Sorry that a couple of the photos are blurry... camera batteries were dead so we used the old iPhone!
Way to go Allie!! I knew you were working on it, and I'm so proud of you for following through and completing your goal. Bek, it's completely fine to brag about your kids when they do something amazing. Hey, if you don't do it, who's going to? And it's important that they realize how proud you are of them. I say, BRAG ON!
Okay, Allie-Pallie...remember our conversation from Friday night? This is just the beginning :) Down the road it will be the valedictorian speech at Stanford and Grandma will be on the front row busting her buttons! Way to go girlfriend! And way to be the proud mama, Bek! That is your number one job!
Woohoo! I forgot about the BS (haha) mess up. Tell her congratulations again for the second degree earned! Cute blog by the way, I'm impressed with how much your written so far!
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