Thursday, June 26, 2008

New to this Blogosphere

A girlfriend of mine told me that I should try blogging.  Actually, I think her exact words were that blogging was her sanity saver and that it was "like brain vomit."  I guess that's good???  Actually, I think there is something therapeutic about taking all of the information that is rolling around in your brain and putting it out there for everybody to see.  Sort of like confession, right?  Anyway, I decided to try it out for a bit and see if I like it.

Stay tuned for information about our family and our lives.  If nothing else, you can sit back, enjoy a laugh or two at our expense, take a deep breath and realize, your life isn't so bad.


Anonymous said...

Holy Cow! You're leaving me in the dust or forcing me into a techological world that my brain doesn't wrap itself around so well. Bottom line...good for you (as long as you don't go on about your mother other than in a postive way). Are all of these comments public? I need to know how all of this stuff works, but you know that I will enjoy reading whatever you have to say...


Anonymous said...

Wow! I am so excited! I have long been a fan of your writing (since 8th grade) and can't wait to keep up with your blog. You'll have to show me how to do all this. Way cool!

Mills Family said...

Hi Rebekah! I found you on Angie's blog. I got your email off of facebook and sent you an invite to our family blog, if you are interested. It is private, so you have to get an invite and sign in to view it. Your family is so darling. It has been fun to see what you are up to these days.
Nicki Jex Mills