Sunday, February 9, 2014

It's Great to Be Eight

Last Saturday, February 1, this little boy of ours was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  He has been looking forward to this day for a very long time and was so excited.

What a great day it was.  Jack is a great boy, and is loved by many.  As a family, we were truly touched at all the support we received from our family and friends on this special occasion.

I have always felt like Jack is my special little guy.  He loves to snuggle with his mom and is constantly asking for hugs and telling me how much he loves me.  He has been this way since we brought him home from the hospital.  I think it's safe to say, however, that he loves his dad just as much and wants to be just like him when he grows up.

Over the last year as we have been talking about baptism and scouts and missions and such, it has been so fun to watch Jack light up whenever his dad talks about his experiences.  I'm pretty sure that Jack would pick spending time with his dad over nearly all of his friends, and it's so fun to watch his little personality develop.

We wanted his baptism to be a day that he'll always remember.  It was special because Jack was the only person being baptized at this service so it was an opportunity to show him how special he is, what great family he has and their examples and advice for him.  With the exception of his Aunt Katie playing the piano and his Aunt Shanna leading the music, it was what Jack called "a guy's meeting."  His uncles Ben and Spencer said the prayers, Uncle Alan and Uncle Greg gave talks and we even had a musical number by his dad, Uncles Alan & David, and Grandpa Pierce.  Jack got to participate in two of the ordinances of the Gospel and witness the power of the Priesthood in action.  He was happy to come out of the water and look at his Grandpa Homer and Grandpa Pierce and know that the baptism was conducted properly, with the the proper authority.

Jack thought it was awesome to have to move the chairs around in the room so that their was enough room for him to sit in the middle of a big circle to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

Jack, Uncle Alan gave a great talk on Baptism.  He taught us why we are to be baptized and to always remember that we are following Jesus Christ's example when we do it.  You have taken a very important step in returning to live with your Father in Heaven.  Uncle Greg gave a great talk on the power of the Holy Ghost, and I hope that you will always remember to use this gift that your Heavenly Father has given you.  Listen for the still, small voice and follow it's promptings.  It will testify to you that you are on the right path.  If you can't feel it, stop what you're doing and look for it.

You have a big family, that loves you so much.  You have awesome friends and neighbors who are here to help you on your way.  It makes me so happy that you are such a good boy and that you want to try so hard to do the right thing.

Jack had no preference as to the music sung at his baptism.  We could have picked Primary songs and that would have been okay, but since he had no strong feelings either way, we picked a couple of my favorite hymns.  The first one, How Firm a Foundation, I picked because I want Jack to always remember where he comes from and what he's been taught.  We sang this song at my Grandpa's funeral four years ago; Jack is named after him.  This is the two of them on the day of Jack's blessing.

The closing song that we sang is another of my favorites, albeit a long hymn: The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning.  This is one of those songs that I remember learning when I was four years old (in preschool of all places) and is one that is sung at many church events.  As a matter of fact, we sang it at my high school seminary graduation and the pianist wanted to make sure it didn't drag; my arm got a workout that day, as the chorister, I'll tell you what.  Anyway, about halfway through the second verse, I was wishing that maybe I should have only had everyone sing the first verse; although we are generally happy to participate in hymn singing, it was getting a little tedious.  My heart was touched and my mind was changed however, when I looked up toward the front of the room and saw Jack and all of his friends standing with their hymn books open, singing their best!  What a proud mommy moment.  I didn't get a picture of them singing, but I did get this one after the service.

There's James and Landon and Jack and Nate.  Future missionaries of the world taking all the right steps to be in the right places.  Jack was so excited to wear his new suit, and carry his new scriptures to church the next day in his scripture case that his Great-Grandpa Jones sent down especially for him.

We are very excited that we are going to get the chance to visit Nauvoo with Grandpa Jones this spring, and we feel so fortunate that he is so supportive of our family.

Jack, I always want you to remember how much your family loves you and how blessed we all are to be in this together.  I'm glad you made the choice to be baptized and I'm glad that you are such a great example to our family.  Love you buddy!