So six months is better than six years, right? To be completely honest, I have not been feeling the blogging bug for a long time... but it's hit me a bit today. I suppose I am a little wistful about the kids starting back to school and the transitions that are occurring in my life. So without further ado, here are the things that I found exciting today....
The first day of school! Erin is back to school as an 8th grader, Allie is a 6th grader and even Jack was totally stoked to go back to school as a 2nd grader. We had our annual Back-to-School neighborhood breakfast at our house this morning and had a great turnout. This is one of my favorite things about living where I do. Everybody meets at one house in the morning... we take photos, we eat food and we walk to school together. It is always fun to see all the little ones in their new outfits with stiff backpacks stuffed with Kleenex and hand sanitizer. We had some new friends this year and it was sad to see that some of the families we have grown close to, no longer have little ones to join our ranks, but I love my neighborhood! They're the best.
I loved having time alone with William. It was so nice to walk back home, talk with friends and have lunch with my favorite little buddy. I'll even forgive him for the jar of maraschino cherries he broke all over my kitchen floor.
The best part of the day, however, was when the kids got home from school and all of them were happy to report that they love their teachers and that they think this is going to be a really good year. As I begin to wade through Disclosure Statements and volunteer opportunities, I am grateful for the people who sacrifice so much to help me educate my children. We have awesome schools, awesome teachers and awesome parents.
I am grateful that Allie has great Activity Day leaders who are committed to helping these girls be the best they can. And yay that Allie can go this year without conflicting with dance.
I know as the next couple of weeks progress, there will be things that will probably be a bit frustrating, but at this point, I am glad that we are off to a good start and grateful that things seem to be going well.
Oh, and dinner is in the oven, which is a rare occurrence for me, I'm going to be honest!
Have a great day and who knows, maybe I'll be back to blogging before you know it.