Warning.... this post reveals my family's true nerd nature. I happen to love that we're nerds and I'm anxiously engaged in raising the next generation of Homer family nerds. So, with that said, here's the story.
It's really the story of a unconventional marriage. First, the groom:
About a month ago, shortly before I had Will, my Family Fun magazine arrived in the mail. Somehow, Allie got her hands on it and declared that she wanted to have a President's Day party. Okay, I said, we'll see, thinking that after some time, she would forget and that would be that. Fast forward to the first part of February, and my little Allie wants to know when we're going to start planning our party. Ughhh; she didn't forget.
Next, the bride:
My mother's birthday is in February. As I have become a mother myself, I have begun to realize all of the things my mother did for me, mostly without thanks, appreciation or recognition. Knowing this now, I believe that it is my daughterly duty to celebrate her life.... a party where she doesn't have to do anything except grace us with her presence. Besides, the grandkids love any excuse to party.
So, we had a President's Day Birthday Party for Grandma. We worked hard all day to get ready. We decked our halls in red, white and blue and came up some games for kids and grown-ups alike. We played "Guess Which President is on Your Back?" and the kids did word searches and coloring pages. There was a trivia game for the grown-ups where points were awarded based on how many Presidents names you could guess from their initials.... including their middle names. I am pleased to announce that my dad still has it and bested my brother and my husband.... clearly knowing that Warren Harding's middle name was Gamaliel is a generational thing. Anyway, the highlight of the evening was our menu.... we put a great deal of thought into our food items and although the pictures didn't turn out great, the grub was good.
We ate:
Mount Rushmore Wraps
Bush 41 & 43 (Cauliflower & Broccoli) with Ronald Reagan's Ranch Dip
Lincoln Logs (pretzels)
Washington's Cherry Tomatoes
Johnson's Im"peaches"
Clinton's Crack-ups (Beware the devil in our eggs)
Old Hickory's Li'l Smokies
Obama Mama's (a drink that may have Hawaiian origins, we're not sure)
Best of all, my awesome sister-in-law Shanna, made an awesome cake for my mom, covered in fondant money (at the request of my little Allie, who called to consult with the baker.)

We had so much fun. The kids played and I think everyone learned something. Best of all, we were all able to stuff the "ballot box" with votes for what we love best about Grandma. Although unconventional, I am glad we take time to honor Grandma and all the wonderful things she does for us. Happy Birthday Mom!